About Reimagined MD
Unlike conventional medicine that focuses more on the what, our team at Reimagined MD looks at the why.
We seek to identify the root cause behind your diagnosis and your symptoms so that we can craft a personalized, long-term health plan just for you.
Our Core Values Of Care
An Integrative Approach
Unlike conventional medical care, we first help patients heal and then we empower them with the knowledge and tools they need to avoid many of the pitfalls that created their illness in the first place. We do this by looking at the interaction between genetics, lifestyle and environment. No matter where you are in your health journey right now, with our expert guidance you can heal and lead a vibrant life!
Guided step-by-step by our care team, you will implement an integrative approach to your wellness that is personalized specifically for you.
Dedicated Attention
During your in-depth intake consultation, we take the time needed, one-on-one, to conduct a thorough review of your past medical history, your past and present diet, your day-to-day environment, stress levels, and gut health.
We believe that taking the time to consider all these different factors is the key to understanding all the potential triggers for your illness.
Dedicating the necessary attention to your in-depth health history is how we start to unravel the root causes of your illness.
Personalized Care
Each patient is biologically unique, which means that their illness is unique, too. There are so many factors that may be to blame for your illness – from lifestyle choices, food choices, allergies and even toxins in your immediate environment. Not to mention your mindset, which also plays a big role! Specialty lab tests in combination with other assessment tools help us to better understand your particular health condition.
We work build a full picture of your health. With a precise diagnosis, we can come up with a precise healing prescription.
Innovative Treatments
Did you know that on average it takes seventeen years for clinical breakthroughs to make their way into your conventional doctor's office? This means that many health care practitioners are dispensing outdated advice and not using the best lab testing available. Chances are they are not even aware of the proper testing that could make all the difference in your healing plan.
We continue to draw from the most up to date scientific nutritional research and medical treatment to significantly improve your health and alleviate symptoms.
Root Cause Resolution
Unlike conventionally trained doctors, our care team always focuses on getting to the root causes of your illness.
We consider everything from food intolerances and allergies to toxicity in your home or work-place. We also examine the key cellular imbalances that are responsible for virtually all the symptoms that you’re experiencing right now.
Also known as functional medicine, our care is so effective because we focus on dealing with the 'up-stream' catalyst of chronic illnesses.
Co-Creating Health
Changing your lifestyle may seem daunting, we know! That is why we offer health coaching and other forms of support and accountability so that your new healing lifestyle practices can become an integral part of your everyday life. We also harness the support of online communities to provide you with a sense of solidarity, even remotely, as you make important changes that translate into lasting health.
Our goal is to teach you how to use different tools to overcome stubborn habits that aren't serving you any longer.

“Summary Headline To Entice Readers”
Replace this with actual client testimonial. You can choose to have a headshot going along with the testimonial, a non-descript avatar image, or nothing. Make sure testimonial are edited for length and highlight the difference between conventional and functional medicine.

“Summary Headline To Entice Readers”
Replace this with actual client testimonial. You can choose to have a headshot going along with the testimonial, a non-descript avatar image, or nothing. Make sure testimonial are edited for length and highlight the difference between conventional and functional medicine.

“Summary Headline To Entice Readers”
Replace this with actual client testimonial. You can choose to have a headshot going along with the testimonial, a non-descript avatar image, or nothing. Make sure testimonial are edited for length and highlight the difference between conventional and functional medicine.